I used to live my life in a state of worry and anxiety.  Worry about the past and even more about the future.  It left me paralyzed to make decisions and reduced experiencing joy in all the positive things in my life.  Can you relate? To relieve my worry, I focused on opening my intuition and connecting to my soul's messages. Through this process, I gained insight, wisdom and a much happier life!

This course is for you if you....

 Have wasted time worrying about the past  

Said you could only stop worrying if there was a guarantee everything will work out fine 

Realized your fears about the future rarely happen - but you keep focusing on them anyway    

Feel like your excessive worry was negatively impacting your relationships Know you are making yourself unhappy with worry - but can't seem to stop it 

Believe it's possible to free yourself from worry - if you just knew how! 

Want to live a more free and joyful life!

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment $497$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $250.00)2x $250.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $180.00)3x $180.00

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Living from wisdom not worry 

Don't miss this life-changing course.  Sign up today for less oy and more joy!  Want to learn more?  Watch this video. 

Living from Wisdom Not Worry$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xLiving from Wisdom Not Worry$0

All prices in USD

What you'll get

Over 30 modules - each sharing a practical worry-free living secret! 

Easy tools you can use for shifting from worried to relaxed - from oy ot joy! 

Powerful Support - get direct help in releasing years of worry 

Unique Meditations to help you tap into your own inner wisdom 

Community - Join a safe supportive community so you can learn from each other 

Exercises so you can master new skills 

There is no other course like this out there. This is based on years of studying 

Extra support available here!

Special one-time offer, only $19!

Get all five recordings that will teach you how to EASILY protect yourself energetically in any situation.   Each video is 10-12 minutes to make it easy to watch and practice.  Discover how much better you feel when you are protected!
